The kids are not alright. Call your Senator.

In the next two weeks, when you hear “funding cuts” or “caps” to Medicaid during any Senate discussion or debate (if there are any), you might be tempted to shrug your shoulders because either a) you don’t understand the implications, or b) it doesn’t affect you.

Please consider this: Medicaid, among other things, is insurance for children. A lot of children. 30 million children nationwide, of which 564,000 live in Indiana, making up 60% of Indiana’s Medicaid population. To be frank, Medicaid covers children who often need care the most. It is a lifeline for working families, and is relatively cheap, accounting for only 19% of Medicaid spending.

With Medicaid expansion, we are insuring children at historic highs well over 90%. Medicaid children receive all medically necessary care, including physician and hospital visits, well-child vistis and treatment, immunizations, dental, vision, and hearing services.

Medicaid image 3

So why would anyone want to cut Medicaid? It is a political motive, not a public health strategy. Cutting Medicaid is the only way to fulfill a political narrative to financially reconcile the difficulties of promising ‘repeal and replace.’ Unfortunately, Medicaid enrollees don’t advocate for themselves. They are low-income and disabled children. This is stealing from the blind, and for a nation that so often espouses moral principles when advocating for legislative action, this should not happen.

Hoosiers have two senators. Call them! Be the squeaky wheel for children! Tell them when you hear “cuts to Medicaid” that you aren’t fooled. Tell them to protect children’s health care coverage and oppose any funding cuts or caps to Medicaid. These next two weeks may dramatically impact the lives of millions of children in this country. Time is limited. It’s go time.  

Senator Todd Young           DC: 202-224-5623      IN: 317-226-6700

Senator Joe Donnelly         DC: 202-224-4814       IN: 812-425-5813

Other Senator’s contacts found here:


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